Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

scary experience

Actually to be honest it's difficult to write, especially if you do not find a theme. But since this paper will add to the value of the college one I will keep trying, maybe I'll just write about my experience. But there a lot of experience, I met with the named confused again. What will I write, what is the theme.

Aha I got an idea!!    as I thought, I'll write my experience when I was junior high school. Check this out.

This is not the only experience that I had when I was junior high school., but this one is not forgotten. The story is exciting and also stressful for me. The story as I experienced it the eighth grade when I was camping in a scout event. Held during the day outbound activities. When outbound activities this is the story appeared. There is one activity that is done in the river. This activity is the climbing of the mine above the river. The fourth time I and my friend failed in pursuing mine to get to the other side. Ultimately we decided to go and play in the river's course. Not unexpectedly turned out very swift river currents, and the river was very deep, really deep. Consequently swept all five of us, and we actually did not get to swim. I tried to reach the edge but always failed, so the current is really strong. Increasingly, we are getting dragged down but unfortunately I did not get to measure how far we drifted. The five of us tried to ask for help, but the people who saw thought it was just a joke.

I panicked, I resigned but I'm scared to death. Because I think I still have a lot of the ideals that have not been realized. We lost power for almost five screaming for help. But thankfully a friend of mine suddenly very loud scream for help. We saved (yeah thankfully)
a woman who was washing and a middle-aged man who stood at the edge of the view and then save us. We survived, do not forget we say thank you very much to the woman who saved our lives. Unfortunately, the middle-aged man of the savior was straight away without our chance to say thank you. (Mr. whoever you are, you are my hero and savior of my life and my friends life) after a stressful event that we went back to the tent. and since then I was so scared to play in the river again. Maybe that's all I can tell. It is simply an intermezzo.

Well the point before it goes into the river before the river make it in or not, the current is heavy or not. Learn to swim (and until now I still can not swim) And most importantly prepare personnel if at any time sinking to shout for help.

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